20 Ways to Make Money While Solo Traveling

Traveling alone can be a really gratifying endeavor. You possess the autonomy to establish your own timetable, explore the specific points of interest you desire, and engage with others from various parts of the globe. Nevertheless, engaging in extended periods of independent travel frequently necessitates discovering methods to augment your earnings while traveling. Fortunately, the progress in technology and the emergence of the sharing economy have significantly simplified the process of generating income, regardless of the destination of your travels. This post will examine 20 effective strategies for generating income when traveling alone.

20 Ways to Make Money While Solo Traveling

The trend of solo travel is increasing, with a greater number of individuals than ever before venturing out to explore the world independently. Although utilizing hostels, couchsurfing, and preparing your own meals can help save expenses, sustained solo travel still necessitates financial resources. Instead of cutting your dream trip short, consider picking up short term gigs that align with your skills and interests. The digital age has created income stream opportunities that allow location-independent workers to earn a living anywhere with an internet connection. Read on to learn 20 ways you can make money while solo traveling.

Top Methods to Earn Money on the Road

  1. Teach English online
  2. Sell freelance services (writing, design, programming etc.)
  3. Work at hostels in exchange for accommodation
  4. Become a tour guide
  5. Sell products online
  6. Monetize a travel blog or YouTube channel
  7. Participate in paid travel surveys
  8. Become a virtual assistant
  9. Sell your Gigs at Online marketplace
  10. Take photos of beautiful places and sell them on Stock Footage marketplace

Online Teaching

One of the most common ways for people to get money while traveling is to teach English online. Working as an online teacher can pay more than other types of remote work. The majority of schools only ask for a bachelor’s degree together with Toefl certification. If you enjoy interacting with students across the world and want to earn a lucrative salary through a stable online job, then online teaching is a fantastic option.

Some of the most reputable companies hiring online teachers include:

  • Magic Ears
  • Palfish
  • Qkids

I easily make $20 per hour teaching Chinese children English through these platforms. This fills my travel fund while letting me work just a few hours every morning, leaving my afternoons free for adventure. The wages enable me to comfortably afford staying in private hotel rooms and participating in fun excursions like scuba diving. Teaching online provides reliable earnings so I don’t have to stress about money while traveling solo long term.

Sell Your Skills As a Freelancer

Freelancing gives you ultimate freedom and flexibility to earn income while continuously traveling. Internet access allows you to find freelance gigs that fit your skillset and schedule. The beauty of freelance work is the ability to control your workload and pricing. If you need more funds for an expensive destination, simply increase your workload for the month. Some popular freelancing skills digital nomads offer include:

  • Writing/editing
  • Graphic design
  • Bookkeeping
  • Programming
  • Social media management
  • Transcription services
  • Data entry

I make between $15-30 per hour freelance writing for travel blogs while adventuring solo through Asia. Rates vary based on the client, project scope and your experience level. Those with specialized technical skills like web development often earn over $50 per hour. Expand your skills, build a profile on Upwork or Fiverr, and start applying for freelance gigs that interest you.

Work at Hostels

Hostels cater to solo travelers on a budget and often hire staff seasonally or even volunteer staff long term. Your accommodation is typically covered making hostel jobs ideal for long term wanderers looking to reduce costs. Hostel jobs commonly include:

  • Reception desk staff
  • Housekeeping
  • Maintenance
  • Event planning
  • Tour guides

I spent 3 months living at a hostel in New Zealand in exchange for working just 20 hours per week at the front desk. This gave me countless opportunities to meet fellow travelers while covering my accommodation expenses entirely. Seek out hostels with good social atmospheres in destinations that interest you.

Become a Tour Guide

If you possess in-depth knowledge of a destination’s top attractions, culture, and history, then consider putting that expertise towards earning money. Tour guides get paid to lead groups around cities, historical sites, museums and neighborhoods they’re passionate about. This role allows you to share your love of travel while making money.

I worked as a free walking tour guide in Prague and got paid solely through tips from happy travelers. I earned around $20-25 per hour providing engaging tours highlighting Prague’s turbulent history, colorful architecture and best local hangouts. And I got to spend all day wandering my favorite city!

Start a Blog site to make money while solo traveling

best way to make money while solo traveling

Travel blogging represents a dream opportunity for many wanderers. Getting paid to document your journeys and share your authentic travel tips is an exciting way to fund further global gallivanting. However, while passion fuels amazing content, these key strategies are equally important for earning income:

  • Choose a profitable niche: Focus your blog content around solo backpacking rather than generic travel stories. Cater your content specifically to solo female travelers if that’s your personal experience. These niches gather dedicated audiences that brands want to advertise to.
  • Provide detailed location guides: Share comprehensive guides detailing the best hostels, transportation options, hidden bars, affordable tours, and absolute must-see attractions in the places you visit. This useful content draws in readers and encourages shares.
  • Insert affiliate links: Join affiliate programs like Booking.com to earn a small commission anytime someone clicks your accommodation or activity recommendations and completes a booking. Over time these commissions add up.

It took me nearly 2 years before my travel blog started reliably generating over $2,000 per month. While becoming a profitable blogger requires dedication, once your content ranks well in search engines the income becomes fairly passive over time.

Other Ways to Fund Travels

Below are additional ways intrepid solo wanderers fund their adventures abroad:

Online Surveys

Company Key Perks
Survey Junkie Cash out earnings instantly via Paypal
Swagbucks Answer surveys, watch videos and take polls to earn points redeemable for gift cards
Toluna Lot’s of ways to earn including games and product testing


Virtual Assistant Work

Company Pay Rate
Belay Solutions $25-$35 per hour
Fancy Hands $4-$7 per task
Money Penny $12-$18 per hour


  • Become a virtual assistant: Help clients with administrative tasks, itinerary planning and email management.
  • House sit: Watch over homes in desirable locations in exchange for free accommodation.
  • Rent your vehicle: List your van, RV or car on rental sites like Outdoorsy when you aren’t using it.
  • Do paid surveys: Easily earn extra cash sharing your opinion through sites like Survey Junkie.
  • Become an Instagram influencer: Get paid to promote brands if you have a strong social media following.
  • Sell products online: Design T-shirts featuring your travel designs and sell them via Teespring.
  • Become a rideshare driver: If you’re in a pinch for cash, sign up for ridesharing services like Uber or Lyft.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most straightforward methods to generate income while traveling alone?

The easiest ways to earn money while continuously traveling include teaching English online, freelance writing, working at hostels, tour guiding and monetizing blogs. These jobs cater well to solo wanderers looking for location-independent income sources.

How much money can you make blogging?

In the first year, most bloggers earn less than $500 per month. But after years of consistently publishing quality content, popular blogs generate over $5,000 per month on average. Profitability requires patience, strategy and persistence.

Is it safe to travel the world alone?

While no form of travel is completely without risk, solo travel can be very safe with proper planning. Stay vigilant, trust your intuition regarding situations that feel off, only book with reputable companies and avoid clearly dangerous areas. Also consider joining tours for added security.


Solo traveling enables adventure, cultural exchange and inspirational personal growth. While financing long term world travel may seem intimidating, this article outlined 20 income sources to fund your journeys. Teaching English, freelancing, working in hostels and blogging represent particularly lucrative industries for wanderers. Be proactive and get creative with finding paid gigs aligned with your unique skills and interests. The financial and experiential rewards of long term solo travel are worth the effort.

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