5 Best Ways To Do Laundry While Traveling: Keeping Clothes Clean On-The-Go

No one wants to lug around smelly, dirty clothes while globetrotting. But finding convenient, affordable laundry solutions proves difficult for wanderlusting travelers far from home. This article reveals pro strategies for washing garments properly abroad or en route using innovative techniques and products. Say goodbye to scrubbing socks in hotel bathroom sinks!

Why Travel Laundry Matters

Donning fresh, clean attire while adventuring makes all the difference for comfort and confidence. However, modern travelers often strike out securing accessible wash options unless prepared. Read why planning laundry on your journeys is essential:

  • Prevents lugging excess dirty clothes – Strategic washing allows packing lighter.
  • Saves money over laundry services – DIY methods cost 80% less than hotel cleaning bills.
  • Promotes better personal hygiene – No one enjoys smelling themselves or gear!
  • Allows adhering to clothing care tags– Following washing rules maximizes apparel longevity.
  • Makes overseas stays more enjoyable – Who wants to worry about dirty clothes constantly?

Research by Travel + Leisure shows 73% of travelers name laundry a top headache when abroad. This article provides surefire solutions!

Laundry Abroad Limitations To Overcome

Solving laundry woes internationally first requires identifying precisely what makes washing on-the-go tricky abroad. The main hurdles travelers face overseas are:

  • Language barriers – Interpreting unfamiliar laundry symbols or translating appliance settings proves daunting.
  • Coin-operated cleaner scarcity – Many countries lack public laundromats. Machines privately owned instead.
  • Power plug incompatibility – Outlets abroad won’t fit washer/dryer appliance plug shapes without adapters.
  • Voltage differences frying motors – Hooking up 120v models to 240v overseas power supplies risks serious damage.
  • Water pressure and heat variances – Many locations lack hot water or strong water pressure.

Simply locating compatible washing gear poses a challenge before even addressing technique. So what are the smartest solutions?

Clever Washing Gear Hacks for Travel Laundry

Creative travelers determined to wash clothes successfully abroad have devised some ingenious techniques for overcoming local appliance barriers using portable products. Consider these laundry gear hack options:

Hack Gear How It Solves Washing Barriers
Scrubba Wash Bags Fully manual wash/dry bag aligns worldwide
Wonderwash Non-Electric Spin Washer Hand-powered operation solves power/voltage limits
Lisle Magnetic Wand Fishes out sock washing machines sans motor damage
Bonus Power Converter Box Allows safely using 110v appliances with 240v foreign outlets
Laundry Alternative Wonderwash Board Handwashing takes just soap and water
Dry Sack Laundry Bag Air/UV light dry clothes without appliances


While no approach serves every unique travel situation, reusable gear taking manual effort makes clean clothes possible almost anywhere!

International Machine Washing Approaches

If blessed to have appliance access abroad, a few tweaks help adapt foreign machinery to accommodate portable loads. Follow these expert overseas washer tips:

  • Use a fine wash bag – Containing small batches controls tossing and tangling in large drums.
  • Select low temp delicate settings – Reduces risk of heat/chemical damage to fabrics.
  • Hang dry when possible – Minimizes heat smashing or wiring stretch many abroad dryers cause.
  • Check load balance diligently – Don’t risk appliance destruction from imbalanced spins!
  • Investigate chemical compatibility first – Never assume foreign detergents meet fabric safety regulations.

Washing Clothing By Hand On Adventures

How to Wash Clothes While Traveling

Maybe you’re road tripping or hiking off grid where no electrical outlets exist. No problem! Washing garments manually works perfectly using these fundamental steps:

  • Assess best soap type – Biodegradable soaps prevent environmental damage from washing in streams/lakes.
  • Gather massaging tools – Items like tuna cans help replicate washer agitation by massaging clothes clean.
  • Select a wash basin – Buckets, sinks, even sturdy bags contain suds and soak small loads.
  • Drain and refill with rinse water – Multiple baths prevent soap residue that degrades fabric.
  • Roll clothes tightly – Removes moisture so items pack damp, not dripping.

It’s back to basics, but it works! Now let’s explore specialty gear to take manual washing even further.

Best Ways To Do Laundry While Traveling

While any container holds water alright, specialized non-electric travel washing gear makes hand cleaning clothes significantly easier. These mobile washers tackle messes beautifully:

Scrubba Wash Bag

This flexible airtight bag serves as a portable washing machine simply using pressure and suds. Just load clothes, fill halfway with water and a bit of soap, then press repeatedly to simulate agitation against internal paddles scrubbing clothes clean. The bags then double as secured transport for damp items after rinsing until drying time.

Wonderwash Portable Non-Electric Spin Washer

Similarly using water and elbow grease, this plastic canister allows washing smaller loads with an old-fashioned plunger apparatus to circulate suds. Best of all, a quick hand crank generates powerful spin cycles to effectively wring water out of clothes without electricity.

Safely Drying Clothes Anywhere

Clean clothes only finish half the laundry equation – effective drying also matters, especially when Handwashing leaves items damp. Use these universal tricks anywhere:

  • Optimize air drying – Hang garments on provided hotel hooks, over doors, from trees/tent peaks outside, etc.
  • Repurpose gear – Stuff inflatable sleeping pads or mesh onions sacks with clothes to air out.
  • Use a portable clothesline – Retractable cords pack up small but allow drying multiple items.
  • Harness the sun and wind – Position drying layers in bright sunny patches turned periodically to ensure even drying.

While not as speedy as home dryer cycles, these solutions get the job done! Now let’s tackle pesky laundry issues on the move.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Still have lingering laundry dilemmas for your upcoming adventure travels? Here are some answered troubleshooting questions:

Help! My clothes shrank/dyed/ruined from foreign washers! What gives?

Always investigate chemical and mechanical compatibility before inserting clothes into unknown foreign washers. All-natural soap bars are gentler when uncertain what local products contain.

Ugh! This hostel washer reeks of mildew smells after I washed my clothes! Now my shirts stink too!

Add white vinegar to kill residual odors that transfer onto fabric surfaces. For bad embedded funk, do a short vinegar soak before rewashing clothes.

I washed my dress shirt in the hotel room sink but it says dry flat only! Now it’s wrinkled and misshapen! Help?

Use the iron/steam function in the room to smooth wrinkles, then reshape the garment while damp. Stuffing it under the mattress with my heavy items on top can reflatten distorted areas too.

How do I wash intimate clothing discreetly in shared dorm rooms on long backpacking trips?

Designate one opaque water bottle for hand wash cycles then contain washed items in baggies fully out of sight till dry. Tying a sock over the bottle also hides its temporary function.

What can safely remove stains on silk blouses abroad when I don’t know local cleaning products?

A tiny drop of Dr. Bronner’s liquid castile soap in water works universally on most fabric stains. The mild blend won’t degrade delicate materials.

Key Takeaways on Travel Laundry

I hope these creative cleaning tips empower adventurous spirits to escape laundry woes abroad and on active getaways! Remember these core advice nuggets:

  • Scout accessibility of washing appliances or laundry drop-off services beforehand when possible at destinations
  • Utilize manually operated specialty


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