20 Tips for Day Trip from Genoa to Cinque Terre

Taking a day trip from Genoa to Cinque Terre is a fantastic way to see some of the most beautiful towns in Italy. The Cinque Terre comprises five colorful villages – Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso – perched high on the cliffs of the Italian Riviera. With pretty harbors, beaches, delicious food, and stunning hikes between the villages, the Cinque Terre makes for an unforgettable day trip.

Day Trip from Genoa to Cinque Terre

Train from Genoa to La Spezia

The easiest way to get from Genoa to Cinque Terre is by train. There are regular train connections between Genova Piazza Principe or Genova Brignole stations to La Spezia, which acts as the gateway to the Cinque Terre. The fastest direct trains take around 1 hour 15 minutes. Tickets cost approximately €6.60 one-way or €12 roundtrip (source). Make sure to validate your ticket before boarding by stamping it in the validation machines at the platform entrances.

Here is an example train you could take:

Depart From Arrive To Duration Price
8:23am Genova Piazza Principe 9:41am La Spezia Centrale 1hr 18mins €6.60

Train or Boat from La Spezia to Cinque Terre Villages

From La Spezia, you have two options to reach the Cinque Terre towns:

1. Local Train to Each Village

There are regular local trains from La Spezia stopping at each of the five villages which take 5-10 minutes per leg. Use this to hop on and off and explore the towns. Single tickets cost around €2. Buy them at the station or validate unmarked tickets on the platform. Get a 24-hour Cinque Terre card for €7.50 if you’ll be taking multiple trips.

2. Cinque Terre Boat Tour

Alternatively, take a boat from the La Spezia ferry port directly to the five villages. The day excursion boat tickets cost around €30 and allow you to hop on and off whenever you want. You can sit back and admire gorgeous coastal views on the 45-60 minute route between La Spezia and Monterosso al Mare (source).

What to See and Do in Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre offers stunning hikes between cliffside towns with sweeping sea vistas. There are also vineyards, shops, restaurants, beaches, and historic sites to enjoy in each colorful fishing village.


The charming pastel buildings of Riomaggiore tumble down into the sea. Wander narrow alleys and try the local wine before hiking the famous coastal path to Manarola, known as the Via dell’ Amore or “Lover’s Lane”.


Enjoy epic views down over Manarola and its picturesque bay dotted with fishing boats from the Punta Bonfiglio lookout point. Visit the 14th century Church of San Lorenzo above the village and stroll down the main street to the rocky beach beneath for swimming.


The only Cinque Terre town not directly adjacent to the sea, Corniglia sits high on cliffs surrounded by vineyards. Climb the 382 steps up from the train station or take the bus to reach heavenly views from the Belvedere Santa Maria panoramic point looking over the lush terraces.


With its natural harbor, 11th century castle ruins, and narrow streets winding up from the Doria square, Vernazza is considered one of the prettiest Cinque Terre towns. The main street, Via Visdomini, leads to Piazza Marconi on the harbor, lined with seafood restaurants and cafes for chilling out over an Aperol Spritz.

Monterosso al Mare

The largest Cinque Terre village has beautiful beaches with striking rock formations as well as scenic forested hills perfect for longer hikes. Visit the medieval tower Aurora and 15th century Oratorio dei Neri buildings before indulging in fresh seafood or handmade pesto in the old town or new Fegina neighborhoods.

Best Hiking Routes

The 12 kilometers of cliffside trails between the five villages served by scenic vistas are perfect for hiking. Just buy a Cinque Terre Trekking Card for access. Here are two of the best routes:

1. Monterosso to Vernazza (Moderate)

This two-hour, 6.5 km hike follows the coastline with constant sea views passing the Sanctuary of Madonna di Reggio and black beaches. The first section involves 552 steps but it eventually flattens out with only moderate inclines along the scenic route. You’ll finish in beautiful Vernazza.

2. Manarola to Corniglia (More Challenging)

Get your heart racing on this steeper 2.5 km route taking around 1.5 hours with switchbacks up and over the hills between the villages. The 360 meter elevation gain rewards you with probably the best coastal views. Starting in Manarola, you’ll pass through vineyards and terraces to reach Corniglia at the top.

Cinque Terre Travel Essentials

Here are a few essential tips for making the most of your one-day Cinque Terre adventure:

Staying overnight: The five villages offer plentiful hotels, B&Bs, and vacation rentals if you decide to stay a night or two rather than returning to Genoa. Check rates and availability in advance.

When to visit: July, August, and September is when the weather and sea are warmest for swimming and lounging on beaches. However, it gets most crowded with tourists then too. For smaller crowds and lower prices, visit in late spring or fall, but bring layers as it can be cooler on hikes.

Water bottle: Bring plenty of water, especially if you’ll be hiking between villages under the Mediterranean sun. Fill your bottle up for free at fountains.

Cash: Many shops, cafes, and even train ticket machines only take cash in Cinque Terre. Euros are best but many places also accept dollars.

Comfortable shoes: Whether you’ll be hiking or exploring the villages, wear broken-in walking shoes or sneakers with good ankle support for all the slopes and steps.

20 Tips for a Day Trip from Genoa to Cinque Terre

20 Tips for a Day Trip from Genoa to Cinque Terre

Planning a day trip from Genoa to the stunning seaside villages of Cinque Terre? Here are 20 essential trip planning tips to make the most of your time in this area of natural beauty and wonder along the Italian Riviera:

1. Check Train Times in Advance

Use sites like Omio to compare train times from Genova Piazza Principe or Brignole stations to La Spezia (the gateway to Cinque Terre). The journey takes approximately 1 hour 15 minutes. Knowing schedules ahead helps maximize your time.

2. Have Back-up Directions Saved Offline

While there is WiFi in the Cinque Terre villages, connectivity can be spotty in areas or on trains. Save offline maps like Google Maps for navigation as a backup. A pocket physical map is also a good idea.

3. Pack Light

You’ll be hopping between five cliffside villages by train or boat and hiking trails linking them. A small backpack with just essentials like sunscreen, water bottle, hiking shoes etc will keep you nimble.

4. Prepare Snacks and Water

Food in Cinque Terre, while delicious, can be pricey. Having some snacks, sandwiches, fruit, and water in your backpack allows you to take mini-picnics and stay energized for hiking without breaking your budget.

5. Leave your Accommodation Details in Genoa

Inform your hotel, hostel, or rental owners in Genoa about your day trip plans in case you return late at night. Have phone numbers handy too in an emergency.

6. Catch Early Trains

Trains and ferries can get crowded later, especially in summer. Aim to take the earliest train possible from Genoa to maximize your time. Book boat tours in advance for the same reason.

7. Buy Trekking Card for Hiking Trails Early

Cinque Terre hiking cards can sell out so head straight to ticket machines to purchase your pass to access the cliffside trails between villages. A one-day card costs €7.50.

8. Have Cash on Hand

While credit cards are accepted many places, some smaller cafés, trains, shops only take cash in Cinque Terre. Stock up on Euros in Genoa to be prepared. ATMs also dot the villages.

9. Pack a Swimsuit

If visiting between June and September, bring swimwear to enjoy the areas wonderful beaches and transparent sea, especially in Monterosso al Mare. Not every village has easy water access points however.

10. Leave Important Items at Hotel

Avoid carrying valuables like passports on your day trip. Leave larger items and those you won’t need for the day securely in your Genoa hotel to travel lighter through Cinque Terre.

11. Have Offline Maps Downloaded

While villages have arrows pointing to sights, downloading offline Google Maps with saved markers lets you neatly navigate each town and find key viewpoints, restaurants, stations etc with ease.

12. Check Weather Forecast in Advance

The Cinque Terre microclimate with heat and humidity magnified by the surrounding sea means weather shifts fast. Pack layers, hats, sunscreen etc according to the day’s forecast to stay comfortable on trails.

13. Ensure Phones are Charged

Bring mobile battery packs or chargers as backup since you’ll likely be using GPS navigation and capturing plenty of photos eating battery life fast.

14. Buy Local Specialties

Indulge in Cinque Terre delicacies like herb-infused Sciacchetrà wine, sweet Canestrelli biscuits, olive oil, pesto sauce, or the famed anchovies as edible souvenirs of the villages.

15. Capture the Towns at Golden Hour

Plan to explore the Cinque Terre in early morning or late afternoon as the golden lighting accentuates the colors of the village houses and amplifies sunset views over the sea for great photos.

16. Check Ferry Schedules

If opting to reach Cinque Terre from La Spezia by scenic boat tour rather than trains, review sailing times in advance for routes stopping at each village. Purchase boat tickets early online.

17. Pack Motion Sickness Medicine if Prone

The cliffside train rides and boats can cause motion sickness if you are sensitive. Carry any preventative medication or anti-nausea pills you might require for the journey just in case.

18. Use Sun Protection

The Mediterranean sun and heat beating down in the summer combined with light reflected from the sea makes using measures like hats, sunglasses, high SPF sunscreen to avoid burns smart when exploring trails.

19. Pick Hiking Difficulty Level

A range of trail difficulty levels from easier walks to steeper multi-hour challenges exist between villages. Select routes catering to your fitness levels for more enjoyable hiking.

20. Budget Time Well

While it’s tempting to linger in beautiful villages, having a schedule overview keeps you on track to see all five towns and make your train/boat connections back to Genoa without missing key sights.

By following these insider tips for travel essentials, local insights, trip planning, and more, you are sure to have an incredible hassle-free day trip adventure discovering the fabulous Cinque Terre treasures along the coast from Genoa!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get to Cinque Terre from Genoa?

Take the train from Genova Piazza Principe or Brignole stations to La Spezia Centrale (around 1.5 hours). Then either transfer to the local Cinque Terre railway, stopping at each cliffside town, or take a scenic boat excursion directly from the La Spezia ferry port.

How much is train fare from Genoa to Cinque Terre?

The journey costs €6.60 for a one-way standard train ticket from Genoa to La Spezia. You’ll then pay around €2 per single ticket between each Cinque Terre village or €7.50 for a day pass allowing unlimited train rides.

What’s the most scenic village to stay overnight in Cinque Terre?

Vernazza is generally considered to be the most beautiful to base yourself with its bustling harbor-front, castle ruins, and winding medieval streets. Monterosso is the largest town with good beaches. All the hilltop villages have breathtaking views from Belvedere lookout points.

Can I swim in Cinque Terre?

Monterosso has the area’s best beaches with transparent blue waters perfect for swimming and snorkeling from June to September when lifeguards are present. You can also swim off the rocks into the sea at Vernazza and Riomaggiore.

Do you need hiking permits for Cinque Terre trails?

Yes, you must buy a Cinque Terre Trekking Card pass to access the scenic coastal trails between the five villages. A one-day pass is €7.50. Trails can get very crowded in summer, so start early. Wear hiking shoes and bring plenty of water too.


A day trip from Genoa to Cinque Terre allows you to sample the beauty of five cliffside villages on the Italian Riviera in a single, unforgettable day. From the pastel buildings of Riomaggiore to the beaches of Monterosso al Mare, each town has its own charms. Spend your day hiking stunning coastal trails, swimming in the azure sea, photographing picture-perfect harbors, and indulging in delightful Ligurian cuisine. With regular train connections from Genoa, exploring these gems makes for an epic and easy escape. Whether you stay for the day or overnight in a village, Cinque Terre offers breathtaking vistas, adventures, and memories to cherish.

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