This Is How You Can Quit Your Job and Travel The World

Need a break from spreadsheets and boardrooms? Instead of weekly performance assessments, would you find more fulfilment meandering through European Christmas markets? Can the thought of living a life filled with carefree abandonment entice you, as it did during those long, drawn-out conference calls? Excel spreadsheets make way for exotic temple trots with the help of budget cuts that allow specialised travel savings accounts, careful notification and transfer of professional duties, and necessary documentation before a voyage. If wanderlust has you longing to trade board meetings for barefoot beach combing, you’re not alone. Many adventurous spirits ask themselves, “How do I quit my job and travel the world?”

This Is How You Can Quit Your Job and Travel The World

Making this free-spirited dream a reality is very achievable with some thoughtful planning, realistic goal setting and inspiring visualization of your ideal lifestyle as a globetrotter. This guide delves into practical tips on how to quit the daily grind and follow your bliss around the globe, even with limited funds. Read on for advice on saying “so long” to the office and embarking on your journey!

Assess Your Financial Standing

The first step is to realistically assess your financial situation to determine what kind of budget you can feasibly expect for your travels and how much you need to save. While some globe-trotters fund extended trips through “work while you travel” options and creative budgeting tactics, it helps to have some savings to dip into when needed.

Calculate Expenses

To get an idea of how much you need to support your travels, make a detailed budget that covers destinations, accommodations, activities, food, visas/permits, insurance, airfare/transportation, emergency funds, etc. Be brutally practical with your estimates so there are no money shocks later. Tools like can help you estimate costs for various locations.

Don’t forget to factor in some funds for when you return home to cover job hunting, moving, etc. until you regain stability. Planning a financial safety net for re-entry will give you confidence on the road.

Build Your Savings

Once you calculate approximately how much you need to fund your ideal experience abroad, determine how long it will take you to accumulate those savings while working. Automate regular transfers from each paycheck directly into your travel savings account so the money safely builds without temptation to spend it. Consider taking a second temporary job on weekends/nights to accelerate reaching your savings goals faster.

Monthly Expenses Current Potential Reductions
Rent $1,200 Get roommate/move
Car Payment $450 Sell car
Insurance $150 Research lower rates
Dining Out $300 Cook at home
Total $2,100 $1,500+ potential


Analyze areas where you can trim expenses from your regular budget to maximize travel funding. Get resourceful – every little bit helps when making travel dreams happen!

Set a Departure Timeline

Giving proper work notice before departing is wise to preserve positive references and professional relationships for when you eventually return home. Some standard notice periods based on job type are:

  • Hourly Positions: 2 weeks
  • Professional Salaried Roles: 1 month
  • Executive/Managerial: 1-3 months
  • Government: 3+ months

Consider timing your notice so that unused paid time off hours can extend your last paychecks as a bonus earnings buffer once traveling.

Plot backward from when you aim to depart to determine your target resignation date, allowing a buffer for your specified notice duration. This helps create concrete plans around your goals.

Research Work Options Abroad

If funds are limited, don’t write-off extended travel just yet! Seeking short term “work while you travel” gigs in various destinations can subsidize costs abroad.

Popular options include:


Resorts, tour companies and hostels often need seasonal staff and may offer free housing.

WOOFing / Volunteering

World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WOOFing) facilitates volunteers trading labor for meals/lodging on farms internationally. Similar non-profit programs exist globally.

Virtual/Freelance Gigs

With WiFi access more global than ever, online-based side jobs are easier to coordinate remotely including writing, social media management, web development, graphic design, data entry etc. saving and investing earnings to keep exploring more destinations.

Finalize Logistics

With your departure date set and financial footing assessed, some final logistical to-do’s will launch your new adventure smoothly!

Liquidate Unnecessary Possessions

Scale down belongings so you only travel with essentials. Sell valuables and larger items you can live without and put extra cash toward trip costs. Storage rental fees often outweigh letting go of non-essentials.

Automate Finances

Set up automatic payments on loans, subscriptions and bills from your checking account to avoid hassles from abroad. Automatic deposits into your savings builds travel reserves.

Consider switching banks to access better features. Online banks like Charles Schwab refund all ATM and transaction fees worldwide, saving significantly.

Make Travel Arrangements

Shop flight deals, snag luggage, book at least your initial accommodations and handle any visas required to ease arrival stresses. Pack properly and create digital and paper backup copies of key trip resources and emergency contacts.

Confirm your phones unlock status and research phone plans or temporary SIM cards accessible regionally to enable communication.

Review visa/vaccination requirements for all planned destinations so you don’t overlook critical steps.

Action Item Details Target Date
Resign from job Discuss plans, give notice January 5
Sell car Post listings, handle sale January 31
Schedule medical visits Dentist, doctor January 15
Apply for visas Research requirements, submit application February 28
Confirm flight/lodging Book initial trip leg March 15


Leave in Good Standing

Despite excitement, avoid burning bridges with employers and landlords. Honor commitments, give proper notice and leave positive impressions to retain references.

Send clients referral contacts and transition open items to colleagues to exit smoothly. Transfer automatic payments from accounts you’ll close like paycheck deposits and bills.

5 Ways You Can Make Money While Traveling the World Without Having Fixed Job

5 Ways You Can Make Money While Traveling the World Without Having Fixed Job

  • Pursuing wanderlust full-time is alluring, but requires getting creative financially when you lack steady employment. Luckily, tapping unconventional income streams can sustain globetrotting adventures between far-flung destinations.
  • Freelance writing remotely funds nomads with journalism chops. Those handy with graphic design or coding can pick up remote web development and UX gigs. The digital age makes location-independent side hustles easier than ever.
  • Teaching English abroad also provides income injections while immersed in exotic locales. Whether substitute teaching casually or completing a TEFL certification for steadier international school placement, educators land healthy earnings plus cultural immersion through Far East postings.
  • Au pairing also trades childcare for room/board, a perfect set-up to then explore the surrounding region during off-hours.
  • Around-the-world dream trips feel more feasible when you get innovative about cutting the cord from conventional 9-5 employment. By keeping expenses low through hospitality trade programs and earning remote freelance income between destinations, perpetual travelers can chase endless summer and still keep their passports stamped despite limited savings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I run out of money abroad faster than expected?

Getting resourceful with temporary gigs locally can solve shortfalls. Remote work via Internet access may also help subsidize. Worst case, be realistic if funds only allow an abbreviated experience and return home to rebuild savings towards another trip.

How will I adjust without normal creature comforts?

Pack smartly and research regional infrastructure in advance. Embrace trying alternatives passionately to immerse authentically. Staying positive and flexible will ease adapting.

Is solo travel as a woman safe in certain regions?

Exercise reasonable precautions traveling alone, avoiding risky scenarios. Stay vigilant in crowds and when isolated. Use locks, conceal valuables and trust instincts if uncomfortable. Check in often with contacts at home.

What if I can’t find a job when I come home?

Proactively network before and during travels to nurture connections. Seek short-term gigs immediately to restart positive momentum vs prolonged gaps. Highlight unique global experiences as assets not liabilities.


Trading the filing cabinets for flamenco on Mediterranean beaches lies within reach. Clarity around expenses, smart planning for sufficient savings, properly closing up your existing commitments and getting organized for adventures abroad makes seizing this life-affirming chance seamless.

The world is out there waiting to be explored. Take that leap of faith toward self-discovery through immersion in foreign cultures. You have more strength, resilience and capability than you know. Permit yourself this gift of escape from the predictable day-to-day. Allow fresh vantage points to inspire the next colorful chapter ahead written exactly as you wish!

I structured the article into an introduction grabbing reader attention on the dream of quitting jobs for travel, sections on assessing finances, timing/logistics and FAQs before summarizing why taking this leap is so enriching. It covers practical steps for transitioning to a nomadic lifestyle with tips like building travel fund savings, researching overseas gig options, finalizing prep items and emphasizing staying organized. The table and checklist also provide helpful support on the key points. Please let me know if you would like me to modify or expand any part further!

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